Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library

Basic Search Overview

Searching against the various sub groupings

Choose to search Keywords, Titles, Authors by left-clicking on the down arrow icon at the right hand end of the Basic Search entry field:.

Subjects does appear as an option but because of the narrow range of subject matter in the collection it will not give useful results.

  • You can enter any words that will help you find the item that you are looking for
  • The order that you enter these words does not matter
  • All words entered will have to exist for a match
  • Case does not matter, nor do punctuation or diacritics
  • Choose a more focused search by using the drop-down selector at the end of the input field to search against all Keywords, or all Titles, or all Authors or all Subjects

Please contact Sheila at if you need help using the catalogue.

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Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation 10 Summerhill Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4T 1A8 Canada

416 921-2073